On November 11, 2022, Sage Intacct will release its fourth update of the year. Sage releases a major update every quarter throughout the year. Each release is automatically rolled out to every Sage Intacct user so that they immediately receive new features and bug fixes. The R4 Release is scheduled to go live on the evening of Friday, November 11, 2022.

Please continue reading to take a look at some of the highlights from Sage Intacct’s upcoming release and to learn more about its increased functionality and flexibility.

Accounts Payable

Bank file payments: Bank file payments: Bank file payments now support AP advances and the SEPA file format.

Budgeting & Planning

Sage Intacct Budgeting and Planning is an add-on application that offers a collaborative environment for creating and managing budgets.

Sage Intacct Planning: Sage Intacct offers an add-on module that greatly expands budgeting and planning capabilities. Learn more.


Compliance made easier: Find information in the Sage Help Center to better understand audit considerations and how to align configurations accordingly for trusted financial reporting.


Estimating is now integrated with Sage Intacct Construction: Export estimates directly to Construction Projects without having to re-enter estimate data.

Introducing the Sage Intacct Construction Payroll Early Adopter Program: Use the Early Adopter payroll functionality to automate and simplify payroll tasks associated with Construction.

Inventory Control

Fulfillment for sales orders: Sage Intacct is continuing to offer fulfillment (Pick, Pack, Ship, and Invoice) in an Early Adopter program.

Order Entry

Fulfillment for sales order management: Sage Intacct is continuing to offer fulfillment (Pick, Pack, Ship, and Invoice) in an Early Adopter program.

Commit quantities during order entry: Sage Intacct is continuing to offer the ability to dedicate quantities for specific orders in an Early Adopter program.


Announcing Sage Intacct Payroll powered by ADP: Sage Intacct Payroll is a best-in-class payroll and human capital management (HCM) solution that integrates seamlessly with Sage Intacct.

Introducing the Sage Intacct Construction Payroll Early Adopter program: Use the Early Adopter payroll functionality to automate and simplify payroll tasks associated with Construction.


Audit History Reports: With this release, you can access two Audit History Reports for easier compliance with internal and external audits.


1099s: 1099 Forms are available now. Get a head start on what you need to know for this tax season.

Web Services

Watch the Sage Intacct Developers Portal Blog to stay up-to-date on great new features in Web Services.

Want to get a free preview state of the latest version of Sage Intacct?

Learn more about Bangert Enablement for Sage Intacct Construction